Sunday, May 16, 2010

Iron Pour

As I get older, there are fewer and fewer things on the "never seen that before" list... This weekend I got the chance to take Cameron to an Iron Pour. "What is an Iron Pour?" you ask...just what is sounds like. The master metalworker has built a lawn version of an iron oven, pours a ton of scrap metal into the top and the melted metal is then tapped and poured into molds. We got to carve out our own molds too!

Pouring into the molds.

The iron oven sparks as the metal is heated.

Hot stuff!

Morning Garden

The last day of school before summer is generally very exciting for older kids, I really think the Morning Garden friends we have are truly going to miss each other and our time together. It seems we all have relatively busy summers ahead of us, and perhaps that will make the time pass quickly...